April 01, 2011


Does anything change when I turn 18 ?

Nothing changes.
Still looked at as a stupid and immature teen
keep looking back at my life and thinking "god what an idiot I was back then".  Argh, I’m hoping this thing will stops at some point because I do not want to be on my death looking back at a life of being a complete idiot.

Well, is still developing at 18, gain a slightly heightened, that continues to evolve for the next while. Though 18 is still very young. I’ve 18 things, 9 Accomplishment (1-9) and 9 Expectancy (10-18) That I thought it could be considerations for my self to more grateful and do hard work.

1.      Got accepted as Indonesian Exchange student to United States
2.      As a guest speaker in IPB National Science Fair with former president BJ Habibie and Prof    yohanes surya
3.      Got accepted as a US Representative in I-SWEEEP Olympiads (International Science Olympiads) Texas
4.      Participated in GCIMUN -Model UN (United Nations)- International Conference in UN Headquarters New York
5.      Successful in IEW (International Education Week). Presentation about Indonesia and Islam also Volunteering in many places
6.      Visited Harvard and MIT in Boston, Massachusetts
7.      Visited Capitol hill and U.S Government offices in Washington DC
8.      Visited Williamsburg, Virginia and Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
9.      Keep my blog exist and keep in touch with all of you guys!
10.  More grateful with those things that I’ve accomplish so far
11.  Hope have a great time during the rest of my time here in the US
12.  Get into my favorite college through scholarship program
13.  Good grade in my senior year
14.  Eat Indonesian food as much as I can when I come home
15.  Do the Volunteering thingy
16.  Need someone (superb)
17.  Constantly drive the car and motorcycle also get driver’s license
18.  Vacation to Midwestern of US, Texas,  Bali and Lombok

Although most 18 year old men wouldn't like to admit it, they do enjoy birthday parties and all the attention that comes with them. however, it can be overwhelming. For me is at an age where some of the  ideas may be simply, "out there." No worries though,

Wanted to say thanks to my families, Best friends, and Friends wherever you are...

Thanks for the greetings everyone, you made my day!
Be good and Looks good!
Love you, AO-


radiv punya blog said...

cool dude! being an 18 year old guy is cool!!you'll like it!! time to be adult! :)

Arya Ondrio ngepost said...

I hope so. yep, time to be counted thou. Thanks!