There’s something about this time of year that prompts a person to reflect on who he has become and how that image may differ from who he ideally would like to be. Maybe it’s the season of thankfulness followed by the season of giving. Maybe it’s the fresh blanket of snow that clings forgivingly to the earth, covering up our transgressions and offering us a fresh start. Maybe it really is something as mundane as the turn of the calendar’s page.
Whatever the reason, the time for resolutions is upon us. Some statistics estimate that about 50 percent of people make New Year’s resolutions, and of this group, 90 percent fail to achieve their goals — roughly 75 percent within the first week. Why might this be? Do some of us make resolutions half-heartedly, just because it seems an expected January norm? Do others set sky-high expectations for themselves and give-up too quickly when the going gets tough?
If you’ve been less than successful with your past resolutions, maybe this year you should set your sites to a more obtainable goal. You might consider this resolution:
Before I declare my resolution, I wanna say thanks to God for everythings that you gave to me, Its such a best year in my life! Thanks to my dearest mom, dad and family in Indonesia for all of your efforts and support to me. My family in United States, mom janelle, dad bruce, my lovely sibling katie, luke, ellen and my bestfriends lucy. My friends all over the world, in Indonesia (In SMAN 38, Sos 3 Community, KIRSTAL 38, Remaja Ceria, Abnon Jakarta, and BBC Course), United States (DHS’ers, Model UN Club, Science Group, Person to Person Community Service, PERMIAS NYC, Al-hikmah Youth Community), Germany (PPI Berlin), France (PPI Rennes), Spore (teman perantauan), Malaysia (SSYS’ers), Brazillia, and wherever you are, thanks to make my year sooo colourfull!
Indonesia Team in Int'l Competition |
This year, I had ton of fun, ’Go International’ and being representative from Indonesia in SSYS Competition in Malaysia, and INESPO Olympide in Netherland, its so great opportunity in my life. Thanks to Mrs. Markorijasti as a Science Supervisor for your support, Ka Andi as my science adviser, my partner Amadea, Vinskatania, University of Indonesia, State University of jakarta and my big family in ‘KIRSTAL’ (Science Group 38 High School) for all of your effort and made our dreamt becomes true and it’s a reality of life!
YES Kids in DC Orientation |
This year, I live in different continent, Asia-America (Indonesia-United States). Too much different between us but I felt its Amazing Experience in my life. Thanks to YES Scholarship Program, US Dept of State, AFS Exchanges Student Program, Bina Antar Budaya Office in Indonesia, ‘kaka-kaka (Commitee) of Chapter Jakarta Selection, National Selection, Visa Camp, Orientation, LOC, Farewell party INAYPScNH ’10-11 for this great journey!! Special thanks to YES’ers from 11 Country (Indonesia, Egypt, Turkey, India, Ghana, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Philipines, South Africa, Malaysia and Mozambique) especially Indonesian YES’ers with Huge Group (103 kids)! AFS Volunteers, My Local Coordinator Naomi, My Best Liasion Marian, My Lovely AFS’ers from Germany, Dominican Republic, France, Turkey, India, Netherland, Thailand, Hongkong, Japan, Argentina, Italy, Indonesia, Denmark, Norway and all my family in NYC Metropolitan Area Chapter!
Seem a little early for resolutions? That was my immediate thought… but then I realized we’re a third of the way through January! Time to start thinking of those self-improvement ideas for the new year… and Lior has some great ideas.
At the end of a year it is common practice for many people to want to start the new year off on the right foot. In order to help them do so they set resolutions for themselves. I personally decided that this year I am going to set twelve resolutions.
Lets see, My Resolution for 2011!
Get into my favorite and top college + Scholarship program
Good Grade in my senior year
Vacation with my family :D
Need someone special !
Renovation my bedroom
Drive a car + SIM A
Be a finalist in Science Int’l Competition
AFS Returnee
Skiing in the Mountain with a ton of snow
Visit Boston, Philly, Texas, Cally, Vermont and Washington DC
Watch Broadway show, WWE show and Music Concerts
New Year Eve in New York City
My biggest resolution of all and the hardest is to remain determined to carry through will all of these much needed and very important resolutions that I have just outlined.
Everyone wants to better themselves, and I am hoping to do this for myself and my family by doing great for 2011. So whats your resolution for 2011 ? May God Bless US And Happy New Year !!!!
Happy New Year Eve 2011!! |
what u mean 'someone special'? hha..
anak muda
haha, what i mean ? its exactly about 'someone special' did you feel like that ? LOL
whatever u say..
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