April 07, 2011

Hallo Northeastern !

It has been a wonderful backpacking trip even though we still used the suitcase instead a big backpack while we were traveling. Hm, sedikit concern aja kalau trip selama 2 minggu then I have to bring the huge big backpack, it will hurt me (baca : patah tulang, osteoporosis, lemah, lesu dan lunglai).  However, kita tetep keukeh nyebut perjalanan kita dengan judul  ‘backpacking’ (haha) because we pretend that backpack identic with ‘hostel’, ‘ground transportation and walk’, ‘less budget’ and we did. But literally, we definitely break the rules as a ‘backpacker’. Hmm, what was happened ?
Me, Nadya, Cenna and Untari in Statue of Liberty with New York City as a background

Yeah! setelah sekian lama memplaningkan trip ini, dari sekitar bulan November yang lalu. Akhirnya trip ini berjalan sukses dan fantastic. Dari sekian banyak yg tertarik, akhirnya fix lah kita ber 4 untuk ambil bagian dri trip yg super cool ini. Cenna- Arkansas, Nadya- Florida, Untari- Virginia and I. Surely, my best liasion Marian accompanied us during the trip. Trip ini dimulai dari Maret tanggal 19 sampai tanggal 26.
We tried to figure out the schedule with a bunch of plans !
Oh ya, each of us has responsibility to make the details schedule and in charge on that city loh (persis kyk bagi-bagi tugas). So, I responsibility to be a tour guide in New York City, they call me ‘Mr. NYC’. Cenna is ‘Mr.Boston’, his in charge about Boston and stuff. ‘Oma Philly’ is Nadya, why we call her oma not mrs philly? Is more because she’s in charged in Philly then she made up the plan to just hang over in ‘historical-old-dark-quiet area’ of Philly (Baca: National Mall area) which means almost old people theres, so quite, everything closed by 6 pm dan mngkin krna nadya udah kena syndrome di state yg hampir semua penduduknya adalah lansia kali ya (baca Florida) ?. jdi instinct dan prefer nya begitu. Lol. Then Untari is ‘Mrs DC and Virginia’. 

FYI, Cenna, Nadya and Untari sebelumnya ga tau apa2 loh dan belum pernah ke sana (baca: kota yg mreka incharge-in) tpi dgn bantuan om google and some informan finally they made up the details plan. Ini bisa jadi trik buat kamu backpackingan loh. Pertama, research apa aja yg kamu mau kunjungin bisa cek di couchsurfing, google, bing or whatever and make the decision afterwards, kamu bisa bagi2 tugas ke yg lain nya untuk ngebikin detail plans. Detail plans itu seperti jam berapa objek yg kamu mau kunjungi buka dan tutup? Naik kendaraan apa menuju kesana, naik dan turun dimana? Berapa biaya tiket masuk dan transportsi nya? Is any Restaurant or street vendor ? Hm, satu lagi usahain ngebikin route trip kamu searah. Jadi ga back and forth dan lumayan ngehemat waktu loh. So you do not waste your time to stray out, get lose, dan menghindari buat nanya2 ke orang banyak yg ujung2 nya bikin riewueh.

Coming up backpacking stories in NYC very sooon )”
Feel free to look up my vlogs, click Arya Ondrio's Youtube Channel . this is the video that i took during my stay in United States


1 comment:

  1. oh wooow this is what i call inspiration. i wake up everyday wishing i'd wake up in new york one day. but that one day i still don't know when.. thank you for inspiring me :)
