Hey, Wanna get sensation being an exchange student? Amazing Journey and Experience? Weird and Unique Adventure? Live with native speaker and new family? Wanna study in high school outside Indonesia? Bina Antarbudaya Indonesia (Intercultural Foundation) will start the selection soon! So for you guys, Lets contact your 'local chapter' to get more information and the exact dates. feel free to email me if you have some question. It's your turn!!!
Bina Antarbudaya is a non profit and volunteer based organization which manages AFS program on education and intercultural learning in Indonesia. Its goal is build up future leaders who are more sensitive, understand, and care for the environment. Through interaction with people from other countries, we learn to share, communicate, and appreciate each other, and appreciate differences. For the future we would like to have future leaders who appreciate differences, highly recognize the value of peace and friendship, develop positive relationships and synergy with each other, with other communities and other nations to create peace and happiness to humankind.
Bina Antarbudaya is a partner of AFS Intercultural Program which is an educational and volunteer based international organization. AFS Intercultural Programs with its headquarter in New York, is an organization which runs international exchange program since 1919. It is present in more than 50 countries all over the world. Annually it has more than 13.000 participants, consist of students, youth, and teachers.Up till now, it has more than 370.000 alumni participated in various AFS programs. In Indonesia, AFS programs started in 1956 and more than 2500 Indonesian students participated in its programs till today.
Every year Bina Antarbudaya selects the best students fulfilling the requirements and more important who are seriously interested in going abroad. Anyway if you would like to participate in any of the offered programs you have to be open minded for new religions, races, tribes and socioeconomic differences in your hosting country.
Every year Bina Antarbudaya selects the best students fulfilling the requirements and more important who are seriously interested in going abroad. Anyway if you would like to participate in any of the offered programs you have to be open minded for new religions, races, tribes and socioeconomic differences in your hosting country.
General Requirements
1. You are a freshman in high school (Kelas 1 SMA) and in the age of 15-16.7
2. Besides school you gained proper educational achievements
3. You are an active member of an organization
4. Physically and mentally healthy
5. Indonesian citizen
6. At least you have the permission from parents and school for going abroad
Fulfilling the requirements above you have to pass the serial stage of selection under the authority of Bina Antarbudaya to finally become an exchange student. The Programs are :
AFS (American Field Service)
Participants in the AFS Year Program go abroad for one year. While living with a host family in a foreign country they go to school, learn about culture, lifestyle and family values. Of course, participants in this program experience a totally new way of life, learn a new language and gain intercultural skills. If you are interested in experiencing a “new world”, having an one year experience abroad, sign up for the AFS Year program!
Admission Periode: February – April 2011 for Departure in September 2012.
To Japan, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Norway, France, Italy, Swiss and United States of America.
AFS Students 2010-2011 |
YES (Youth Exchange and Study)
The YES Program is a full scholarship from the US State Department to improve the understanding between American Community and majority muslim countries. The participants will be placed in a host family while going to school. They will learn more about the “American way of Life”, experiencing high school life and family values while living in the United States.
This program is more focussing on the development of strong leadership track and empathy towards the participants.
Admission Periode : February – April 2011 for Departure in 2012
Program Periode : August* – June**
Notes :
* The upcoming year
** The next year
YES Students 2010-2011 at U.S Embassy in Jakarta |
JENESYS (Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths)
Participants in this program will spend two fascinating weeks in Japan. Together with participants from Brunei, Cambodia, Philippines, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, China, Korea, India, Australia and New Zealand you will share experiences and find out more about politics, economy, social – and cultural issues in Japan. Besides the students, each country also sends a number of teachers to Japan to take part in the interactions. Founded by ASEAN the JENESYS program ( Japan East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youth – JENESYS ) is a full scholarship to form young students in terms of politics, economy, social and cultural issues. The goal of this program is to build up future leaders for the prospective world where they will take part in ruling positions all over the world.
Admission Periode : February – April 2011
Program Periode : December 2011
For short program, candidates have to contact directly to Bina Antarbudaya chapter in your area.
Jenesys Student 2010 ! |
Further Information ? Contact Bina Antarbudaya National office CLICK HERE, if you live in Jakarta CLICK HERE and also Contact Bina Antarbudaya representative in 14 Chapter (Aceh, Medan, Padang, Palembang, Bogor, Bandung, Karawang, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Malang, Surabaya, Banjarmasin, Samarinda, and Makasar).
'Listen to the world and the world will listen to you'
Be a Future Leader ? Take a step more closer !
Arya Ondrio (YES Student, Indonesia-United States 2010-2011)
© 2008-2011 Yayasan Bina Antarbudaya. All rights reserved.
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