March 05, 2013


Summary #2

APSIA Seminar, February 23th 2013.

Speaker : Tantia Dian Permata (MAPRES NASIONAL 2010)

Learn three concept to create stunning performances :
1.      Message : Idention, Audience, Writing, and Critique
2.      The Visual : Visual thingking, Graphic, Motion and Critique
3.      Delivery : Critique, Paper, Web and Human

How to create resonating message ? Understand and Communication

Know your audiences more by poin, goals and help

Every single presentation always start with Simple interesting question !

Lets developing the simple ideas for presentation!
1.      Its better to give one best reason, rather than 10 reason
2.      Be unexpected, when there are two extremely opposite ideas, then it will be strengthen to one another
3.      Be concrete
4.      Right details for the right audiences
5.      Be credible
6.      Appealing to emotions
7.      Tell the stories

There are 2 type speakers : Maskulin and Feminim

Key to be successful presentator :
1.      Being a leader and inspiring speakers
2.      Understanding the objective
3.      Develop the structure of your presentation
4.      With interesting story
5.      Have a character
6.       Static data
7.      And Humor

                     Tremendous seminar, thanks kak tantia, apsia committee, and apsia 2012 !!

February 17, 2013

Creative Writing (APSIA UI- 16/2)

Creative Writing Workshop - (16/2)

Speakers :
Kak Arry Rachmawan author of “Kata Hati”, has launched 500 articles in a year.
Kak Diego author of “Percaya” and student at FIB UI 
Kak Boim Lebon- Author lupus and 100 others book
Kak Windy Ariestanty – Editor at Gagas Media

Session 1 with ka Diego and Kak Boim was awesome. tons of new thing that we got from them about "writing" and Session 2 with kak Arry and kak Windy was great, they reached us all about how to be productive and writing in creative and unique way.

Quotes :
"read a lot, write a lot !" - Arry Rachmawan
"to be a consistent writer, get used to write ur idea on notebook, it will keep your ideas and   passion." – Diego
“How to be funny writer ? Learn, research, excercise.” - Boim Lebon
“Comedy doesn't mean you'll have to be funny, its all about seeing not funny things in a funny way” - Windy Ariestanty

more info about APSIA ? FOLLOW @apsiaUI 
Thanks Champs!

July 22, 2012

YES Berbagi Batch 1

The alumni of YES program 2010-2011 currently working on an alumni social project entitled “YES Berbagi”. Berbagi in Indonesian means “to share”. YES Berbagi is designed to inspire young people to achieve their dreams by doing interactive discussion and active learning in emergency schools around Jakarta Metropolitan Era (Jabodetabek) that mostly inhabit by the underprivileged youth. This project is planned to held in 3 months, once in every month and hopefully could still countinue thrice in a year in the future.
This program held in collaboration with US Embassy in Indonesia, Education USA Indonesia,  Bina Antar Budaya Foundation, AMINEF (American Indonesian Exchange Foundation), and IYAA (Indonesian YES Alumni Association).
Our first project held on 16 to 18 July 2012 in SMP Terbuka Ibnu Sina. SMP Terbuka Ibnu Sina is located on Jl. Riau Kampung Rawa Barat Rt 004 Rw 05, Kel. Pondok Pucung, Kel. Pondok Aren, Tangerang Selatan 15229. This school is sponsored by Maleo Foundation which is initiated by a group of religious women (Quranic Club) who care about education and health of underprivileged community around Bintaro Jaya. Therefore SMP Terbuka Ibnu Sina is made for the underpriviledged youth who are willing to pursue their education but don’t have enough money to afford a reguler education. This school offer free of charge for  those youth to have a good education so that they can still pursue their dreams, since most of the teachers are volunteer and school supplies given by the school are donation.
      The reason why we choose this school because we think this school is ideal for our project . The criteria that make this school fitted with our project are:
1.     Most of the students are having finacial issues so they cannot afford a good education. We want to help underpriviledged youth to have the same motivation, spirit and passion as we do in achieving their dreams.
2.     This school is located in the suburban of Jakarta in which youth around this area are also expected to support the development of the capital city.
3.    Junior high school (middle school) students would be the ideal to assist for achieving their dream,   because we want them to continue their study to a specialized school
4.    which is required more skill such as SMK or Academy instead of going to SMA and college that  require a lot of money.
5.    As a part of YES Alumni, we don’t want the impact of our program stop after a year of program has finished and only benefit to ourselves. However, we want to give a greater impact to the community by sharing our experience that we have got through our exchange years, generating the volunterism, giving inspiration and motivations.
The main comitte of YES Berbagi are Aryanda Ondrio as the Project Officer, Nadya Azzahra and Dwinia Emil as the Program Coordinator,  Haikal Eki Ramadhan as Secretary and Treasury, Nadia Shifa Hardani as Public Relation Officer, Annisa Sabila Aufary Chandra as Creative Team, and Hanissa Zianda as Secretary.  This project also welcome all of the volunteers who have the same vision and mission to pursue the goal of this project. So far, there were 28 volunteers for the first batch of YES Berbagi coming from both returnee and non returnee of the YES program.
Initially, this program wants to make a “Class of Inspiration” which is designed similarly to the Career Day in the School of United States. This class will be a media for YES alumni to share their stories and experience in order to inspire young kids to pursue their dream as high as possible. However as the development of this project, it become more flexible and dynamic to serve and support the school according to their needs such as the form of this “Class of Inspiration” delivered in the School Orientation of SMP Terbuka Ibnu Sina.
YES Berbagi program wants to give a different perspective of how the School Orientation should be held in Indonesia, unlike the common School Orientation that focused mainly on the interaction of the junior to the senior which is sometimes have a high tendency for bullying to be happened. This program tried to make the orientation become more fun, inspiring, creative and interactive so that it can prepare the students to face their school life as well as their future life ahead. In this program, the students are facilitated to think critically and have a better self esteem to be confidence speaking in front of many people to deliver their thoughts.

The first day began with a flag ceremony and  then continued with an introduction of the comittee and the volunteer of YES Berbagi to the students. The activities followed by games and ice breaking, also group distribution. The group distribution aimed to make the activties run more smoothly so the students could be more focus and have a good interactive discussion. The first session was exploring self potential and passion which facilitated students to express themselves elaborately and creatively. The next session was inventing dreams which the students were asked to write down their bucket list as many as possible. The chaperone of the group then facilitated them to give a better direction of how to classified their wish to be accomplished in a short term and long term period of time. The session also discussed about the definition of success and how each of the sudents define succes and how to achieve it. They also asked to write down their dream in a bubble whcih it will be captured and the printed of the photo will be used for crafting in the last day.
The next day filled up with mini outbonds to enhance their leadership skills and teamwork. There were move the rope, shipwreck and telling stories, which were designed in a fun way and in a form competition between the groups. After that, the activities done in the outbond were discussed in a larger forum so that all of the student would get the message behind each outbounds. They were also encouraged to develop an organisation inside their school such as student council. The day ended with a session of “Entrepreneurship” and future exploration by US Embassy, Education USA and AMINEF (American Indonesian Exchange Foundation)
The last day were entertained with drama performances from Ibnu Sina students entitled “Kota Impian” (Dream City) which is guided by the chaperone of the group and various performances from the comittee and the volunteer. The students also decorated their classroom by making display from the bubbles of their dream that have been creatively designed by them. To end up the all of the actitivies of the program, there were announcement of the winner of the drama, best student, group slogan, speech from Ms. Sri (Maleo Foundation Representatives), and also donated books as a part of National Book Drive project that held by Bina Antarbudaya Fondation and IYAA (Indonesian YES Alumni Association).
Hopefully this project could be sustainable in the future and give a great impact not only to the underprivilleged community that we served but also to the volunteer so that they can ehance their sense to share to their community.

Nadya Azzahra
Program Coordinator of YES Berbagi
Alumni of YES 2010-2011

March 22, 2012

Apasih Exchanges Program AFS-KL YES itu ? 0,o

Halo adik-adik! Tanggal 16 Maret – 15 April 2012 Chapter Jakarta membuka pendaftaran bagi siswa kelas X/1 SMA/SMK/MA/sederajat boleh mendaftar untuk program pertukaran pelajar yang seru ini. Kalau terpilih, kamu akan diberangkatkan di tahun 2013-2014 nanti.  Mau tau lebih banyak tentang program ini? Semoga tanya-jawab ini bisa membantu ya.

1. Apa sih AFS dan Bina AntarbudayaAFS adalah salah satu program pertukaran pelajar. Di Indonesia AFS punya rekan namanya Bina Antarbudaya yang setiap tahun memberangkatkan siswa SMA dari berbagai latar belakang budaya, ekonomi, etnis ke berbagai negara di dunia. Bina Antarbudaya berbasis relawan dengan 18 chapter di seluruh Indonesia: Banda Aceh, Medan, Padang, Palembang, Bogor,BandungJakarta, Karawang, SemarangJogjaMalang,Surabaya, Banjarmasin, Makassar, Bali, Mataram, Balikpapan, dan Samarinda.

2. Siapa yang boleh mendaftar? Semua siswa yang duduk di kelas  X/1 SMA/ SMK/MA saat mendaftar boleh mengikuti seleksi. Kandidat akan dipilih melalui tiga tahap seleksiPendaftaran tidak dibuka untuk siswa kelas XI/2 SMA

3. Saya siswa akselerasi, boleh mendaftar? Boleh. Tapi  jangan lupa isi Surat Keterangan Akselerasi ya. Surat ini hanya untuk mereka yang saat ini sedang mengikuti program akselerasi, kalau kamu aksel waktu SMP tidak perlu melampirkan surat ini .

4.  Wah, susah ya pakai seleksi. Memang tahapannya apa saja? Setiap chapter akan melakukan rangkaian proses yang sama:
§  Pendaftaran: 16 Maret – 15 April 2012 – di Prambors Concept Store dan SMAN 2 Tangerang Selatan
§  Seleksi Tahap I:  Pengetahuan Umum, Bahasa Inggris, dan Essay Bahasa Indonesia – 29 April 2012 – di FISIP Universitas Indonesia
§  Seleksi Tahap II: Wawancara Kepribadian dan English Interview – 20 Mei 2012 – di Universitas Bakrie (dalam konfirmasi)
§  Seleksi Tahap III: Dinamika Kelompok – 10 Juni 2012 – di STBA LIA Pangadegan
§  Tahap Nasional: Seleksi Berkas
§  Untuk Program YES tambahan Seleksi Nasional.

5. Musti rangking dong? Nilai raport dan performa akademis hanya menjadi salah satu elemen penilaian kami, tapi bukan satu-satunya. Tidak semua siswa yang rangking berhasil menjadi kandidat, tetapi semua yang menjadi kandidat pastinya berhasil menunjukkan mereka pintar dengan karakter mereka masing-masing.

6. Musti jago Bahasa Inggris dong? Kamu belum tentu ditempatkan di negara berbahasa Inggris, jadi kesempurnaan berbahasa Inggris bukan yang kami cari. Selama kamu bisa menunjukkan kamu berusaha untuk berkomunikasi (setidaknya) dengan keterbatasan bahasa yang ada, seharusnya tidak ada masalah. Menurut pengalaman di negara tujuan selain bahasa, akan ada halangan budaya, kebiasaan, dan lainnya. Jadi setidaknya kami bisa memulai dari yang paling sederhana, kan?

7. Program pertukaran pelajarnya ke mana saja? Kami ada 9 pilihan negara: Amerika Serikat, Jepang, Swiss, Jerman, Italia, Perancis, Norwegia, Belanda, dan Belgia. Untuk siswa akselerasi, pilihan negara hanya: Jerman, Jepang, Italia, Belgia, dan Belanda (referring ke Surat Pernyataan Akselerasi).  FYI, kamu boleh memberi rekomendasi negara pilihan kamu saat pengisian formulir, tetapi penempatan kamu di mana tergantung keputusan Dewan Juri Nasional dan kuota setiap negara.

8. Memang berapa yang terpilih untuk berangkat? Kuota setiap tahun berbeda dan ini ditentukan banyak hal. Tetapi, jumlah siswa yang diberangkatkan dari seluruh Chapter di Indoneisa untuk semua program ada di kisaran 80-100 siswa per tahunnya.

9. Tunggu, ini pasti ada biayanya dong? Bina Antarbudaya adalah program nirlaba yang bergerak di bidang pertukaran budaya. Kami memastikan, bahwa siswa/siswi yang kami kirim merupakan siswa/i terbaik yang terpilih melalui seleksi, tanpa memandang latar belakang ekonominya. Dan siswa Indonesia yang layak berangkat datang dari berbagai keadaan ekonomi. Untuk saat ini biaya yang perlu kamu pikirkan hanyalah biaya pendaftaran Rp. 50.000,-. Beranikan diri kamu untuk mendaftar dan fokuskan diri untuk melewati setiap tahapan seleksi. Kalau kamu memang kandidat yang layak untuk berangkat, kami akan berusaha semampu kami agar kamu bisa berangkat walaupun ada keterbatasan biaya. Selama ini kami juga mencarikan sponsor dan melakukan subsidi silang dengan kandidat yang secara ekonomi lebih mampu.

10. Ah, tetap saja musti bayar kan, saya tidak akan mampu!It breaks our heart to see financial situation hinder you from applying, cause we will never know what you've got if you don't try. Sekali lagi, ikuti tahapan seleksi dan tunjukkan kepada kami kamu layak berangkat. Kakak-kakak returnee yang sudah ada, datang dari berbagai keterbatasan ekonomi dan mereka berhasil menunjukkan kemampuan mereka dan akhirnya berangkat :) .Seneng kan, kalau itu terjadi :) .

11. Memangnya tidak ada beasiswa? Program Bina Antarbudaya pada dasarnya adalah program beasiswa yang terbagi menjadi beasiswa parsial/penuh. Di host countryhost family dan sekolah melakukannya dengan sukarela. Kami memiliki berbagai sponsor untuk membantu pendanaan program ini dan memastikan siswa Indonesia bisa mengalami pengalaman antarbudaya. Sponsor kami datang dari berbagai perusahaan, individu, pemerintahan negara tujuan, dll.

12. Beasiswa yang ada apa saja?
§  Program YES : disediakan oleh US State Department untuk negara dengan populasi muslim yang signifikan. Pemilihan dilakukan lewat seleksi di tingkat nasional bagi kandidat chapter yang telah dipilih.

13. Apa saya bisa memilih lebih dari satu program? Bisa, seperti halnya pemilihan negara, kamu boleh memberikan rekomendasi program yang kamu inginkan, tetapi keputusan penempatan program bergantung kepada hasil tahapan seleksi dan rekomendasi tim juri. Program yang kami tawarkan di tahun ini:
§  AFS: Program pertukaran pelajar selama 11 bulan ke sembilan negara: Amerika Serikat, Jepang, Jerman, Belanda, Swiss, Norwegia, Italia, Perancis, Belgia. Keberangkatan : Maret (Jepang) & Agustus / September (Eropa & A.S) ; Waktu Kedatangan: Februari(Jepang)  & Juli (tahun berikutnya)
§  The Kennedy-Lugar YES Program: Program beasiswa pertukaran pelajar dari US State Department bagi pelajar dari negara dengan populasi penduduk Muslim yang signifikan. Pelajar dari tingkat chapter akan melalui seleksi tambahan di tingkat nasional sebelum akhirnya terpilih dalam program ini. Selama 11 bulan siswa akan tinggal dan melalui kehidupan sebagai pelajar di berbagai negara bagian di Amerika Serikat dalam menjalani misi pemahaman budaya. Berangkat: Agustus, Kepulangan: Juli tahun berikutnya

14. Saya tidak tinggal di Jakarta, apa saya masih bisa mendaftar? Ya, kamu bisa mendaftar ke chapter yang paling dekat dengan tempat tinggal kamu. Ingat, cari yang paling memudahkan kamu, karena selama proses pendaftaran hingga akhirnya terpilih sangat mungkin kamu diminta untuk datang ke chapter setempat. Kalau kamu merasa akses yang termudah adalah ke Jakarta, kamu boleh saja mendaftar di Chapter Jakarta. Tanggal pendaftaran di setiap chapter berbeda-beda, harap menghubungi chapter masing-masing secara langsung mengenai jadwal yang lebih akurat. Kunjungi untuk informasi lokasi Chapter lain di Indonesia.

15. Lalu sekolah saya di sini? Kami akan meminta kamu untuk mengajukan cuti sekolah bila sudah mendapatkan penempatan. AFS adalah school based program, tetapi bukan academic oriented program. Kami meminta setiap siswa pertukaran yang sudah menyelesaikan program dengan Bina Antarbudaya untuk kembali ke sekolah masing-masing dan meneruskan proses edukasi mereka sembari membagikan pembelajaran dan pemahaman budaya lewat keseharian di lingkungan terdekat termasuk sekolah.

16. Apa program ini diketahui oleh Dinas Pendidikan? Ya. Kami secara resmi menginformasikan perihal program ini kepada Departemen Pendidikan Nasional karena program ini berbasis sekolah, sesuatu yang berhubungan erat dengan Depdiknas. Namun, karena sifat Bina Antarbudaya sebagai yayasan independen, kami tidak tertaut dengan institusi mana pun sehingga pelaksanaannya dilakukan secara mandiri.

Nah, udah ngerti kan ? masih ada pertanyaan ? kamu boleh tanya2 ke kantor Bina Antarbuday Nasional atau Chapter terdekat di kota kamu. and feel free to contact me at twitter @aryaondrio fb : 'arya ondrio.

Good Luck ya !
(copy from 

Pertukaran pelajar AFS - YES KL 2012-2013 Dibuka !!!!

Mau melihat dunia lebih luas? Mau belajar bahasa dan kebudayaan langsung dari negara asalnya? Mau punya keluarga, teman-teman, dan pengalaman yang beda daripada yang lain?

Bina Antarbudaya Chapter Jakarta, partner AFS Intercultural Program, kembali membuka pendaftaran seleksi program pertukaran pelajar yang akan dilakukan pada:

16 Maret - 15 April 2012
di PRAMBORS CONCEPT STORE, Jl.Adityawarman 71, Kebayoran Baru (setiap Jumat Pk. 15.00 – 18.00 dan Sabtu - Minggu Pk.10.00-17.00)
di SMA Negeri 2 Tangerang Selatan (mulai 24 Maret, setiap Sabtu Pk. 10.00-15.00)
BIAYA: Rp 50.000,00


OPEN HOUSE dari para returnee program akan diadakan pada 7 April (10 am-5 pm)  di PRAMBORS CONCEPT STORE 

Formulir pendaftaran hanya akan bisa didapat secara online setelah setiap peserta membeli PIN dengan nomor unik untuk mengakses sistem pendaftaran. Tidak ada formulir hardcopy yang disediakan. For further info, follow @ChapterJakarta @binabud or see our page at or
You can only apply ONCE in a life time!

Jika ada pertanyaan dan permintaan presentasi program ke sekolah kamu, kamu bisa menghubungi:
Adel : 085285336434
Yolan : 081574174690

You also could reach me at Twitter @aryaondrio or FB 'Arya Ondrio' , i would love to help you :) 
Please spread the words !

(copy from Binabud Jakarta)

March 02, 2012

Little pieces of ROCLEID - LASTRAVAZ

Yeah, Right now i'm officially in class 0f 2012, named 'LASTRAVAZ' ,  Rocleid is our class name, Majoring in social sciences :)  (nothing to get excited, sorry) haha

The YEARBOOK photo shoot. hey guys we almost at  the end of the school year.  woohooo ! 

Lets see some of my high school screen picts, looks so older than others --"

Despite my believe that says i'm better than what my scores tell me - i got nothing to proves that i'm actually 'smart' - how i'm insecure in my self ? 

My last debut, show up my science project at Indosiar channel  (National TV)

hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (getting freak,lol)


THE AFRICANS GROUP during the YEARBOOK Photo shoot :)

Another  weird picts posted (sorry -_- haha)

I'm Gonna MISS YOU ROCLEID'ERS !!!! Success is US !!! 
and of course i miss all of you guys ! lets hit me up at Twiiter @aryaondrio 
Assalamualaikum !